• Accessibility

Extra Information: 

It is safe to say, the generation of students entering University are rapidly becoming more technilogically advanced and the institution should be keeping pace with this development to ensure they can accomadate their students as best as possible.
 The existing app, though it has its usefullness, lacks the intercface and accessability of other more popular apps.
The communication gap between students, the institution and the Union needs to be bridged in the interest of all UWE Staff and Students. This can be easily done by centralising information, timetables, services, and media in one UWE Smartphone experience.
The results of such innovation would be massive and in my opinion instantaneous. Wellbeing appointments could be more readily accessed, students could keep informed and if they so wished be notifiedd about upcoming coursework, events happening on campus, have access to forums or message boards with their peers and be able to easily find the appropriate support required when needed.
This is the kind of innovation would massively improve current methods of communication at UWE, and would ensure  all students are better aware of vast range of services and opportunities they have access to while studying here.


Some kind of working group/consultation should be introduced to allow student input in order to maximise usefullness of the app.


Some of what the app needs to include:

Booking request system: wellbeing appointments, personal tutors, finance department meeting

SU Extracrrucular Activites Calender link: showing all society, sports, off the wall, campaign and night time SU events over the year

Interface to be inproved and in line with Universities new branding

Actions Taken

  • This Idea opened on 20th February 2018 and closed for voting on 13th March 2018.
  • Not enough students have voted on this IDea. This Idea has failed. 


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