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Extra Information: 

The Students' Union at UWE is one of few that does not currently have a Women's Officer.


Sexism is still a thing and it needs to be tackled. Feminism is not about hating men, it is about challenging discriminatory attitudes that still takes place.


Research conducted shows that 1 in 4 female students have faced sexual harassment at university. Further research conducted showed that issues with mental health arose after such harassment.


Hyper-masculinity is severely impacting men and their mental health also. Hyper-masculinity affects both men and women, creates unrealistic ideals, and potentially intimidating atmospheres.


The creation of a Women's Officer will help to run campaigns (e.g. International Women's Day), represent female students, and work in partnership with the other Liberation Officers. 

Actions Taken

  • This Idea gained a 3rd which means it's not a priority for the time being.
  • The Executive agreed to give this Idea a conditional pass. Work will start on this Idea unless it is vetoed by two-thirds of the Student Council Meeting.
  • Student Council agreed to pass this Idea. This Idea is now being debated by the Board of Trustess who will decide if and how this Idea will become Stduents' Union policy.

  • This idea has been completed. A Womens' Welfare Officer has now become a permanent position on the Executive. To give equal representation  Mens' Welfare Officer and Trans Welfare Officer positions have also been created.


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"Honest Opinion" has a legal meaning in defamation which requires evidence – please use facts to support your argument if you can.

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